Well, here it is, something I've been toying with for a long time.
The main purpose is to show off my Rail Signalling software, Signaller....
Though I might wander around a bit to whatever I find interesting.
I never really liked writing things before, but I've found I enjoy writing long rambling things like this...
About Signaller:
Some of the ideas I plan to have:
Track Layouts are in XML using a slightly modified railml, which is a markup language for describing rail networks, vehicles, timetables etc.
The visual representation is seperate from the data and model, so it's possible to have multiple visual control schemes (IECC, NX, etc) without needing to modify the underlying data.
Free? Yes. Working? Little bit. Finished? Not for a long time yet :) Open Source? Maybe later.
Right now I'm just putting together the building blocks together, so there isn't a lot of functionality, polish or user niceties...
If you are interested in railways or signalling, visit SimSig, which are almost perfect simulations of modern UK IECC signal boxes. Oh yes, 100% free too!
I'm making my own sim for several reasons:
- I want to be able to simulate other Signalling control systems, UK and otherwise
- I wanted to really get good at programming, learn C# and WPF.
- Something in my brain is wired to enjoy this sort of thing :)
I'm not really following any formal programming method, just starting simple, and refining and updating my code for more advanced cases, etc.
So far, I'm working on simple track layouts, no signals, or trains, so I can get things up and running.
Here's some screenshots:
1st, the Visual Layout Designer screen for what will be the 'default' view\control model, a slightly modified IECC mode.

Most of the things here are placeholders, the number at the bottom will show how many of those elements need to be created and linked before this layout is complete.
The goal is to be able to add elements, be they a signal, or track circuit or an entire line, and then be able to move them around, and have everything adjust nicely, and then still have the ability to selected small parts and modify them directly.
It's starting to work, at least for the simple case I'm using.
Here's the 1st test case:

Doesn't look like much huh? But there's a whole data model behind that...
Here it is with the only working option I have right now:

Little bit more interesting.. If you aren't familar with IECC, this is the Track Circuit Breaks
display option. (Track circuits are uses to detect trains)
The carpal tunnel syndrome is starting to kick in, so I'll shut up now...