Been a while since the last post, I've been pounding away, occasionally just pounding.... I've been working on the screens to enter data, each one seems to look and work better as I figure things out. The best one so far is the Signal Data window.
I got really stuck on the Databinding the details to the selected (At the top) signal, but it works great now. If you change the ID, the top combobox updates nicely.
I really like WPF's abilty to have anything on say a button, like that row of coloured circles representing the signal aspects. Especially cool is the last two yellow ones where the circles actually blink, to represent the 'flashing' aspects :)
Here's another signal, that has the Flashing Yellows off, and also the white Position light aspect selected..
Another neat thing is how it can hide various non-applicable sections, and how it resizes to fit everything nicely...
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